
Extracting tables from SQL queries by using Sqlfluff

I got an assignment the other day to produce documentation to send to a customer. The extraction of the table names required to execute a certain Databricks notebook was part of the task. The plan was to build an object dependency tree. The query spanned 279 lines. How can you extract only the table names from a file without having to manually look for them? Can we make use of this technique again in the future?

List of errors from Databricks API

I’m currently working on a project where I’m adapting a code base of Databricks notebooks for a new client. There are a few errors to hunt but the Web UI is not really friendly for this purpose. Just wanted a quick and easy way to not have to click around to find the issues. Here’s a quick script to just do that: import os, json import configparser from databricks_cli.sdk.api_client import ApiClient from databricks_cli.

Accessing local settings while unit testing Azure Functions

There’s a lot to chew while unit testing Azure Functions. I going to be quite liberal with the terminology because technically some of this will be in fact integration testing and not unit testing per se. Either way, Azure Functions load the local.settings.json on startup, creating several environment variables that then we can use in our code. In C# we would access them like so: tenantId = configRoot["TenantId"]; appId = configRoot["AppId"]; or in Python: