
Mass changing power query connection strings in Excel using PowerShell

A while ago I’ve received an email from Jason Alvarez asking me if I knew a way to change Power Query connections inside an Excel file. The problem is similar to my previous post on Mass changing pivot table connection strings in Excel using PowerShell. Turns out you can and he was able to find this solution: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 #root path to the collection of excel docs: $rootPath = "C:\Temp\PowerQueryDemo\" #Current query file path: $currentPath = "C:\Temp\PowerQueryDemo\" #Updated query file path: $newPath = "C:\Temp\PowerQueryDemo\PowerQueryNewSource" Get-ChildItem -Path $rootPath -Recurse -Include *.

Add multiple scans using the Purview API

As I explained in a previous post about Purview with the official Snowflake connector you need to create a scan per database/schema pair. In the customer where I was working there are a few hundred databases plus their schemas. Doing this by using the UI would mean that we will be wasting a lot of time clicking away and be prone to forget some database/schema pair. I’ve explored the documentation about the Scans - REST API and the rest of this post is just some PowerShell code to automate the creation of scans and their schedules in Purview.

Add user(s) to multiple Power BI workspaces quickly

A few days ago I had to add a new team member to more that 50 workspaces. I started dying inside just thinking of going to each workspace and add it using the portal ui. Here’s a little snippet that saved me a few hundred clicks: Login-PowerBI $workspaces = Get-PowerBIWorkSpace $user = "mySpecial.User@MyDomain.com" foreach($workspace in $workspaces) { Write-Host "Adding User to : " $workspace.Name try { Add-PowerBIWorkspaceUser -Id $workspace.Id -UserPrincipalName $user -AccessRight Member } catch { Write-Host "Message: [$($_.

Diffing Power BI files

Do you really can diff Power BI files? While working with some customers a few times this question came up: “How can I diff my current file with a older one? I really want to compare my files, to know what changed from one to another.” Many many people working with Power BI end up with a directory full of files looking like: “myPowerBIFileV1.pbix”, “myPowerbifilev2.pbix”… “myPowerbifilevN.pbix”. The scenario wull get worse if we have two or more people working in the same file, and until recently my answer was always the same: “You can’t”.

Openssh Windows 10 Issues

Warning: Unprotected Private Key File As an avid user of OpenSSH on Windows after last update I’ve started seen this on my PowerShell: Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Permissions for 'C:\\Users\\My User/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open. File System Security PowerShell Module Because file and folder permissions are not easy with PowerShell I’m using the File System Security PowerShell Module.

Mass changing pivot table connection strings in Excel using PowerShell

The Problem As Business Intelligence consultants after a migration to a brand new server inevitably we get asked by the users: “Do why have to redo all my pivot tables in Excel again? All my workbooks stopped working…” Well, they can but they don’t need to. Where’s a simple code to replace the part that matters. This will iterate all the Excel files in the folder where the Powershell Script is located and and apply the substitution to all the OLEDBConnections that exist in each file:

Using Powershell to read and modify SSIS packages

Introduction In these days developing in SSIS, you should be using a generation framework (BIML or EzApi. The benefits era a bit obvious: Your packages will have consistent layout and logic It’s easy and fast to apply the same change to all packages No more mouse programming (almost :)) It’s the right way to do metadata driven ETL The problem In a client I had a project with 97 packages. Each one of them started as copy of the first one.

How to access SFTP with SSIS using SSH.NET

Introduction For the ones unware of SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), it is a secure channel with SSH2 encryption established between two machines. You can think of it as FTP with encryption and a few more differences. For more information about this you can read this blog post. There are some alternatives to get this done, ones paid and others free. I will focus on the use of the excellent SSH.